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Parent Coaching Call

Talk through strategies to support your athlete in reaching their highest potential.

  • 45 minutes
  • 39.99 US dollars
  • Deep River

Service Description

Parents, you have SO much on your plate! You are rockstars! Sometimes rockstar status gets a little overwhelming when you're playing so many roles in your family, your kids are growing up and they're starting get a taste of the whole human experience. The peaks and valleys, the highs and the lows, not to mention the hormones! It can be hard to navigate this as a rodeo mom or dad. You don't have the support system that organized sports create with team coaches, teammates, bus drivers, booster clubs, school districts and all the other pieces that help move organized sports forward. In rodeo, its you and your family making the decisions, practicing, coaching, driving to the rodeo, cheerleading, paying for it all and on top of that, feeding all the mouths! Rodeo is an amazing experience, but it does come with it's own set of challenges and sometimes you just need a little support, help or suggestions on how to navigate it all. Schedule a coaching call today to create a strategy that will support your family dynamic!

Contact Details

  • Deep River, Iowa, USA


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